Agnieszka Grzeszczuk
Public lecture: “Gaining Historical Agency: Ukrainian Society from Euromaidan to the Full-scale Russian Invasion”
The Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław
invites to public lecture:
Natalia Otrishchenko
Date: December 12th, 2024, 14.00-16.00 (CET).
Location: Room 13, Willy Brandt Centre, ul.Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław
Link ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 889 0940 4599
Passcode: 148253
Information about the guest lecturer:
Natalia Otrishchenko (PhD in sociology, 2015) is a researcher at the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe in Lviv. She has been involved in many international projects, including the “Region, Nation and Beyond” at the University of St Gallen, “Memories of Vanished Populations” at Lund University, “Historical Cultures in Transition” at Collegium Civitas, and “Legacies of Communism?” at ZZF. In 2022-23, she was a Fulbright scholar at the Department of Sociology, Columbia University. In 2024-25, Natalia is a UNET fellow at ZOiS. She is the author and editor of “Conversations with Those Who Ask about the War” (2024) (
Since March 2022, she has led the Ukrainian team of the “24/02/22, 5 am: Testimonies from the war” (later U-CORE) international documentation initiative. Her academic interests include qualitative research methods, oral history, urban sociology, and sociology of expertise.
Information about the upcoming lecture:
During the lecture “Gaining Historical Agency: Ukrainian Society from Euromaidan to the Full-scale Russian Invasion”, Dr. Natalia Otrishchenko will address the topic of involvement in history and how it is reflected during the moments of rupture. She will speak about the sense of urgency, revision of the structures of dependency, ideas of justice, and personal responsibility that motivate people to act during events that have long-lasting effects on society. Starting with Ukraine's gaining independence and subsequent experiences of protests in the 2000s, the lecture will dwell in more detail on the experience of the Euromaidan, when, for many people, abstract ideas and values acquired a concrete embodiment. Natalia developed her talk based on several research projects, including “Voices of resistance and hope” (2013-14), “Historical cultures in transition” (2018-19), and “24/02/22, 5 am: Testimonies from the war” (2022).
This lecture is the fifth of a series of lectures on the topic "Ukraine between history and modernity: war challenges, historical narratives and a conflict of interpretations".
Moderator of the discussions: Prof. Sören Brinkmann
Organizer of the lecture series: Prof. Oksana Danylenko (Contact and questions: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. )
Partner Institutions for these events: Coordination Center of the German Studies Center (ZDS) at Peking University, FU Berlin (Dr. Julia Kobzar).
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The events will be held in a hybrid format (streamed on Zoom with English-Polish interpretation).
Public lecture: "The well-being of Ukrainian children with the experience of forced displacement in the education systems of EU member states"
The Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław
invites to public lecture:
Ivan Posylnyi
Date: November 28th, 2024, 14.00-16.00 (CET).
Location: Room 13, Willy Brandt Centre, ul.Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław
Link ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 965 1759 2593
Passcode: 057185
Information about the guest lecturer:
Ivan Posylnyi is a Luhansk-born Ukrainian sociologist, residing in Warsaw, Poland. He holds an MA in Applied Sociology from Kharkiv National University and an MA in Sociology from the Graduate School of Social Research of Lancaster University. He has been involved in research on children and adolescents’ rights since 2016, particularly on the topics of foster care in Ukraine, and children’s identity in occupied areas. Since 2022 Ivan has collaborated with Polish (CEO) and international (UNICEF, Plan International, Save the Children) organizations researching the well-being of Ukrainian children and adolescents with displacement experiences. His interests also include forced migration and internal/external displacement, human rights, and identity formation in occupation. Currently, he is working on a PhD dissertation thesis at Warsaw University and is teaching the course “Ethnicity and Identity in Donbas”.
The upcoming lecture by Ivan Posylnyi on the topic "The Well-being of Ukrainian Children with the Experience of Forced Displacement in the Education Systems of EU Member States" will focus on the well-being of Ukrainian children in schools of selected EU member states. What influenced their integration in the educational environment and what obstacles were there in the first two years after the full-scale war began? What problems did children experience and where did they find support? What changed over almost three years? In his presentation, Ivan will discuss these and other questions with particular attention to the Polish educational context. He will reflect on his conversations with Ukrainian pupils in Polish schools, as well as interviews with teachers, intercultural assistants, Polish pupils, caregivers, psychotherapists. Finally, the presentation will elaborate on the narratives of national identity present in the school discourse and how various school actors contribute to such narratives' formation.
This lecture is the third of a series of lectures on the topic "Ukraine between history and modernity: war challenges, historical narratives and a conflict of interpretations".
Moderator of the discussions: Prof. Sören Brinkmann
Organizer of the lecture series: Prof. Oksana Danylenko (Contact and questions: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. )
Partner Institutions for these events: Coordination Center of the German Studies Center (ZDS) at Peking University, FU Berlin (Dr. Julia Kobzar)
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The events will be held in a hybrid format (streamed on Zoom with English-Polish interpretation); additional information and links will be provided in separate announcements closer to the event.
Międzynarodowa konferencja: „Teaching entangled history. A multilateral dialogue on teaching Ukrainian history in schools in the context of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine"
Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy'ego Brandta (WBZ)
wraz z Instytutem Mediów Edukacyjnych Leibniza | Instytutem Georga Eckerta w Brunszwiku (GEI)
oraz Centrum Badań Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie, w ramach programu EFREC,
wraz z Fundacją Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej
zapraszają na międzynarodową konferencję:
„Teaching entangled history.
A multilateral dialogue on teaching Ukrainian history in schools in the context of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine"
18-19 listopada 2024
we Wrocławiu
Obecna wojna na pełną skalę rozpoczęta przez Federację Rosyjską przeciwko Ukrainie w lutym 2022 r. skłoniła do negocjacji w sprawie członkostwa Ukrainy w UE. Ukraińskie władze, naukowcy i nauczyciele intensywnie pracują nad nowymi programami nauczania i podręcznikami szkolnymi, które przedstawiałyby historię Ukrainy w szerszym kontekście europejskim i globalnym. Widzimy tu wyzwania dla historycznego samorozumienia Ukrainy jako części historii Europy Środkowej i potrzebę reagowania na fałszowanie historii przez rosyjskich historyków i polityków. Wojna przeciwko Ukrainie wymusiła również masową emigrację ukraińskich uczniów do krajów Unii Europejskiej, co stawia nowe wyzwania przed szkolną edukacją historyczną. Pojawiają się pytania, jak uczyć ukraińskiej historii w krajach UE. Głównym celem konferencji jest dyskusja na temat tego, w jaki sposób historia Ukrainy została przedstawiona w podręcznikach w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej oraz nowych inicjatyw i projektów dotyczących nauczania historii Ukrainy w kontekście historii Europy. Realizacja celu będzie możliwa poprzez dyskusje ekspertów (historyków, politologów, przedstawicieli komisji podręcznikowych) z praktykami (nauczycielami). Konferencja ekspertów akademickich, naukowców, przedstawicieli komisji podręcznikowych i nauczycieli stworzy forum wymiany doświadczeń i współpracy badawczej.
The Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wrocław
invites to public lecture:
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Panchenko
Date: November 7th, 2024, 14.00-16.00 (CET).
Location: Room 13, Willy Brandt Centre, ul.Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław
Link ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 988 4479 4327 Passcode: 165945
Information about the guest lecturer:
Dr. Tetyana Panchenko is a KIU Research Fellow at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and a professor of political science at the Karazin Kharkiv National University. In 2022-2024 she was a research specialist of ifo Center for international comparison and migration research, ifo Institute, Munich, where she worked in the research project "Adaptation and Integration Strategies of Refugees from Ukraine in Germany: Between Work and Social Assistance“. She has participated in other research projects in social and political science, devoted comparative regionalism, subnational policy issues, voluntary and forced migration from Ukraine to Germany.
This upcoming lecture by Prof. Dr. Tetyana Panchenko on the topic ‘Behavioral Pattern of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany in Context of their Intentions to stay and return’ will present the results of her research project at the ifo Center for international comparison and migration research (Munich). The presentation will be focused on socio-demographic and economic characteristics, intentions and integration strategies of refugees from Ukraine in Germany, as well as on their changes over time. They were studied on the basis of five waves of online surveys conducted between May 2022 and January 2024 and 17 qualitative in-depth interviews. The author's typology of behavioural patterns of refugees from Ukraine in Germany demonstrates the prospects for their integration into host societies, return to Ukraine, and participation in its recovery.
This lecture is the third of a series of lectures on the topic "Ukraine between history and modernity: war challenges, historical narratives and a conflict of interpretations".
Moderator of the discussions: Prof. Sören Brinkmann
Organizer of the lecture series: Prof. Oksana Danylenko (Contact and questions: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. )
Partner Institutions for these events: Coordination Center of the German Studies Center (ZDS) at Peking University, FU Berlin (Dr. Julia Kobzar)
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The events will be held in a hybrid format (streamed on Zoom with English-Polish interpretation); additional information and links will be provided in separate announcements closer to the event.
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Ważny komunikat dla kandydatów na ISE!
Z uwagi na nagłą awarię IRKi uprzejmie prosimy wszystkich kandydatów na kierunek Interdyscyplinarne Studia Europejskie, którzy nie są pewni czy się dostali na studia albo mają jakiekolwiek pytania związane z dalszym procesem rekrutacji, o kontakt z dr Anną Kurpiel ( Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. ).
Jednocześnie informujemy, że planowo dokumenty będą przyjmowane w dniach 19-20 września 2024 r. (czwartek, piątek) w godz. 10:00-15:00 w siedzibie CSNE (ul. Strażnicza 1-3) w sali 33 (III piętro). Z uwagi na obecne zagrożenie powodziowe i trudną sytuację w wielu miejscach, wszystkich kandydatów, którzy nie będą mieli możliwości dostarczenia dokumentów prosimy o bezpośredni kontakt z dr Kurpiel, która wskaże dalsze możliwości.
Mamy wielką nadzieję, że zagrożenie nie eskaluje, ale sytuacja jest dynamiczna, więc wszyscy musimy się przygotować jak to tylko możliwe. Będziemy informować o wszelkich zmianach.