10:00 – 11:00 MsTeams
14:00 – 15:00 MsTeams
Historical studies at the University of Wroclaw, the University of Saarland (Saarbrücken) and the University of Marburg; master thesis (1991): "Enno Meyer a Polska i Polacy. Z badań nad początkami Wspólnej Komisji Podręcznikowej PRL-RFN'"("Enno Meyer vis-a-vis Poland and the Poles. The beginnings of the German-Polish Schoolbook Commission"), supervisor: prof. Wojciech Wrzesiński; PhD thesis (2000): 'Warszawa-Berlin-Bonn. Stosunki polityczne w latach 1949-1958' (Warsaw-Berlin-Bonn. Political relations 1949-1958), supervisor: prof. Wojciech Wrzesiński; professorial degree (habilitation 2007): 'Polskie zabiegi o odszkodowania niemieckie w latach 1944/45-1975' (Polish policy regarding German compensation payments 1944/45-1975); senior lecturer at the Faculty of History of the Wroclaw University (1991-2002); associate professor at the University of Wroclaw (2009-2013); ordinary professor at the University of Wroclaw (since 2013); director of the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies at the University of Wroclaw (since 2002).
In 2011 was awarded by Mr Bronisław Komorowski, President of the Republic of Poland, with the Gold Cross of Merit (the highest civilian award in Poland) for his contribiutions to the science.
- History of Germany
- German-Polish relations in the 20th century;
- History of European integration;
- History of the Poles in Germany
- Politics of memory;
- Public History and Visual History;
- International textbook research.
- Enno Meyer a Polska i Polacy (1939-1990). Z badań nad początkami Wspólnej Komisji Podręcznikowej PRL-RFN (Enno Meyer vis-a-vis Poland and the Poles. The beginnings of the German-Polish Schoolbook Commission, Wrocław 1994
- Pierwszy znak solidarności. Polskie odgłosy powstania ludowego w NRD w 1953 r. (First signs of solidarity. Polish reactions to the popular uprising in the GDR in 1953) with Andrzej Małkiewicz, Wrocław 1998
- Adenauer i Europa (Konrad Adenauer and Europe), Wrocław 1998
- Twórcy zjednoczonej Europy. Z dziejów integracji europejskiej w XX wieku (Founding Fathers of the uniting Europe. History of European integration in the 20th century). Kłodzko 2000
- Edukacja europejska. Europa daleka czy bliska? (European Education. Close or remote Europe?) Warszawa/Wrocław 2002
- Warszawa-Berlin-Bonn. Stosunki polityczne 1949-1958 (Warsaw-Berlin-Bonn. Political relations 1949-1958), Wrocław University 2003
- Opór społeczny w Europie Środkowej w latach 1948-1953 na przykładzie Polski, NRD i Czechosłowacji. (Societal resistance in Central Europe 1948-1953. The cases of Poland, GDR and Czechoslovakia), with Łukasz Kamiński and Andrzej Małkiewicz, Wrocław Atut, 2004
- Zögernde Annäherung. Studien zur Geschichte der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert (A hesitant rapprochement: studies on the history of German-Polish relations in the 20th century), Dresden: Thelem 2005
- Polskie zabiegi o odszkodowania niemieckie w latach 1944/45-1975 (Polish policy regarding German compensation payments 1944/45-1975), Wrocław University 2007
- "Noch ist Polen nicht verloren". Historical Thinking in Poland. Münster, Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, London: Lit, 2007
- Zrozumiec historię – kształtować przyszłość. Stosunki polsko-niemieckie w latach 1933-1949. Materiały pomocnicze do historii (Understanding history – shaping the future. German-Polish relations 1933-1949). ed.: Kinga Hartmann, with Malgorzata Ruchniewicz, Tobias Weger, Kazimierz Wóycicki, Wrocław-Dresden: GAJT, 2007
- Śląsk i jego dzieje (Silesia and his History), with Arno Herzig and Małgorzata Ruchniewicz, Wrocław: Via Nova, 2012.
- Krzyżowa ponownie (od)czytana (Krzyzowa/Kreisau (re)visited) Wrocław: Wydawnictwo ATUT, 2017, ss. 194.
See also - list of publications:
- Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Documentation Culture and History of Poles in Germany
- Member of the Scientific Council of Stiftung Bayerische Gedenkstätten
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Herder Institute in Marburg
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Historisch-Technisches Museum Penemünde GmbH
- Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council of Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
- Member of the Board of Trustees of Stiftung Kulturwerk Schlesien
- Member of the Historians and Historians of the Deutschlands e.V.
- Member of the Historical Commission for Schlesien
- Member of the Board of Trustees Komitees zur Förderung der dt.-franz.-pln. Zusammenarbeit
- Member of the Copernicus Group
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Ettersberg Foundation. European Dictatorship Research - coming to terms with the SED dictatorship - Andreasstraße Memorial
He is also the author of two popular blogs, for history and for photography (the photoblog). Another thing that he does during his free time is taking photos of the places he visits. His first photobooks have been recently published under the titles of: The Rome’s three scenes; Nadodrze, The three chimneys, Krzyżowa. Journey through time and space.