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Freitag, 07 Juni 2013

European head – American hat Featured

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Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego serdecznie zaprasza na spotkanie z ambasadorem Christopherem Eichhornem.
Debata w języku angielskim odbędzie się 12 czerwca 2013r. o godz. 16:00. 
Po wystąpieniu gościa odbędzie się dyskusja z udziałem studentów.
2013-06-12 ambasarod Einchhorn artykuł
"European head – American hat":
A European exchange diplomat working in the U.S. State Department – experiences, observations, lessons learned.
Talk and discussion with Ambassador Christoph Eichhorn, German Foreign Office, Berlin.
Christoph Eichhorn has worked since 1998 in Berlin und Washington intensively on transatlantic affairs and the relationship between Germany, Europa and the United States. He served at the German Embassy in Washington during the administrations of Presidents Clinton, G.W. Bush and Obama. This included one and a half years as an exchange diplomat in the U.S. State Department as well as many travels with election campaign teams from both the Democratic and Republican parties between West Texas, South Dakota, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Seattle.
Since 2011, Ambassador Eichhorn serves in Berlin as Germany’s Deputy Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Spotkanie odbędzie się 12 czerwca 2013r. godz. 16.00 w CSNE, ul. Strażnicza 1-3, Wrocław, sala im Lutza
Read 22945 times Last modified on Donnerstag, 26 September 2013 14:12