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wtorek, 04 września 2018

Independent and sovereign? 100 years of Polish policy on Europe

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Polish policy on Europe is throwing up puzzles. An article 7 procedure with Brussels; tensions with Berlin; contrary to this, demonstrative commitment to the 'Three Seas Initiative' with south-eastern and central European partners. But did Poland post-1989 not come down on the side of western integration and close ties with Germany? Why is Warsaw now turning away from Berlin and Brussels? 


This and other questions are at the heart of "Independent and sovereign? 100 years of Polish policy on Europe". For two days, Polish and German experts will consider whether, and if so to what extent, current Polish policy on Europe might be explained by taking a look at history: what does Poland's discontent with a 'dominant' Germany and a closely integrated EU have to do with the triple loss of national sovereignty in 1795, 1939 and 1946? Is it possible to identify traditional patterns in current Polish foreign policy vis-à-vis neighbouring countries? And how might current sources of controversy between Germany and Poland, for example with regard to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline or migration policy, be overcome? 


In addition to a public fishbowl discussion, participants will have presentations, debates and two workshops held in German and English (dispensing with interpretation). And, because politics in Poland is much greater than a serious matter, the seminar programme also includes a trip to the famous Berlin 'Club der polnischen Versager' (Polish Failures Club).


held from: 21–23 September 2018

fees: cp. draft programme

please send your registration / any further questions to: Ilona Rathert, Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.


This seminar is being held in cooperation and with the kind support of the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation, Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies at the University of Wrocław, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, German-Polish Society of Berlin and German Association for East European Studies.


PROGRAM in English / PROGRAMM auf Deutsch

Czytany 5015 razy Ostatnio zmieniany piątek, 07 września 2018 09:06