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The library was formed in 2002, initially with two donations: the collection of Prof. Andrzej Kamiński, researcher in the area of German history and german-polish relations, as well as parts of the collection of Prof. Władysława Bartoszewskiego, former foreign minister of Poland.  Simultaneously, applications for the purchase of current academic literature were submitted to the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation. Obie instytucje wsparły budowę i rozbudowę księgozbioru Biblioteki również w następnych latach.


In the following years, both institutions supported the building and expansion of the book holdings of the library. Thanks to their effort as well as other donations the inventory could be completed. Books were donated by, inter alia, Prof. Włodzimierz Borodziej (Warsaw), Prof. Mieczysław Tomala (Warsaw), Prof. Heinrich August Winkler (Berlin), Prof. Ernst Nolte, Prof. Manfred Kerner (Berlin), Prof. Winfried Böttcher (Aachen), Prof. Arno Heizig (Hamburg), Prof. Siegfried Schmidt (Münster), Dr. Johannes Tuchel (Berlin), Theo Mechtenberg, Dr. Christoph von Marshall (New York), Prof. Caspar Kulenkamph (†), Prof. Arnold Sywottek (†), Gabrielle Leser (Warsaw), as well as the center’s staff members.


Furthermore, our center was supported by institutions like the Robert-Bosch-Foundation (Stuttgart), the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (Warsaw/Sankt Augustin), the Saxon Center For Political Education (Dresden), the DAAD (Warsaw/Bonn), the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (Leipzig), the ZEIT-Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius (Hamburg), the Hannah-Ahrendt-Institute for the Research of Totalitarianism (TU Dresden), the Allensbach Institute, the Martin-Opitz-Library (Herne) and the German Historical Institute (Warsaw).


The collection of the library of the WBC also contains books, which are not available or difficult to access in other Polish libraries, for instance parliamentary sessions of the Bundestag or Bundesrat, the Allensbach Yearbooks (Allensbacher Jahrbucher der Demoskopie), the complete edition of the „Der Spiegel”, the „Journal of Common Market Studies” (Blackwell Publishings) and the Yearbook of European Integration ( „Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration”, Nomos Verlag).