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Tuesday, 08 March 2022

Dyskusja o wojnie w Ukrainie

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Uniwersytecki Klub Dyskusyjny serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w dyskusji na temat: ‘Understanding the inexplicable. The war in Ukraine: an international perspective’. Chcemy porozmawiać o przyczynach wojny, propagandzie, konsekwencjach oraz o tym, jak mówi się i pisze o wojnie w Polsce, Rosji, Niemczech i Stanach Zjednoczonych.


Spotkanie odbędzie się 9 marca o godz. 18.00 (on-line)


W roli ekspertów wystąpią dr hab. Sören Brinkmann, dr hab. Jędrzej Morawiecki oraz dr Mateusz Świetlicki. Spotkanie w języku angielskim.



Spotkanie odbywa się pod patronatem Akademickiego Centrum Badań Ex-Centrum Olgi Tokarczuk


edited Debate about Ukraine poster


Dr. hab. Sören Brinkmann is a historian trained in European and Latin American history. His research interests focus on the history of nationalism, regionalism and memory politics in Spain and Europe as well as on the history of food and public health in Brazil. In 2004 he received his PhD in Contemporary History from the Fern Universität in Hagen, in 2015 he obtained the ’Habilitation’ degree from the Catholic University of Eichstaett. For about 15 years Dr. Brinkmann has worked as a lecturer and research assistant at the Chair of Romance Area Studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2016 he was chosen by the DAAD as long-term Visiting Professor to lead the Institute of European Studies (IES) at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla (Colombia). In 2020, he received an appointment to the Chair of Political Science at the Willy Brandt Centre of the University of Wrocław.


Dr. Mateusz Świetlicki is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wrocław’s Institute of English Studies and a Research Scholar at the University of Florida’s Department of English. He is founding member of the Centre for Research on Children’s and Young Adult Literature (Faculty of Letters, University of Wrocław), and a long-time member of the Centre for Young People’s Literature and Culture at the Institute of English Studies. He was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2018) and has held multiple fellowships in Munich, Kyiv, and Harvard.


Dr. Świetlicki specializes in North American and Slavic studies, and his expertise is contemporary children’s and YA literature and culture, memory, gender, and queer studies, as well as popular culture and film. Dr. Świetlicki is the author of more than 60 scholarly publications in English, Polish, Ukrainian, and Croatian, including a book monograph, seven co-edited volumes, 30 articles, and nine book chapters. His work appeared in many journals, including Children’s Literature in Education, International Research in Children’s Literature, Bookbird, and The Lion and the Unicorn. He is the deputy editor-in-chief of „Filoteknos,” a member of the editorial team of John Benjamins Publishing’s „Children’s Literature, Culture, and Cognition” series, and a representative of the Childhood & Youth Network of the Social Science History Association. In 2021, he was a member of the jury of the IBBY Polish Section Book of the Year contest.


Jedrzej Morawiecki (1977) author of 12 non-fiction and scientific books, permanent position at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Wrocław; PhD of Slavic philology (2005) and sociology (2007), habilitated doctor in the discipline of culture and religion sciences (2019). Member of the Council of the Discipline of Culture and Religion Sciences, Council of the Philological Department, Council of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication and member of the Council of the College of Inter-area Individual Studies at the University of Wrocław.


In April 2022 his new experimental non-fiction book Szuga. Landscape after Empire (escape from the FSB from Siberia to Donbas) will be released by the „Czytelnik” Publishing Cooperative. From 1998 to 2008 he was associated with „Tygodnik Powszechny”, he was also a reporter for the Reuters agency, he published, inter alia, in „Polityka”, „National Geographic”, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, „Rzeczpospolita”; he also collaborated with the 1st and 3rd program of Polish Radio, occasionally with Radio Zet and the Polish Section of Radio BBC. He has regularly published in „Nowa Europa Wschodnia”, „New Eastern Europe” and „Więź”.

Read 1886 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 March 2022 10:21